
  • na.credit information service
  • 网络Credit Bureau; credit reporting agency; Dun & Bradstreet



Credit Bureau

征信机构Credit Bureau)即信用报告机构,负责验证信用信息并保存信用申请人和使用人的相关信息。 抵押品(Collateral) …

credit reporting agency

... 银行信用 bank credit 征信机构 credit reporting agency 征信产品 credit information reports and related products ...

credit information service

... credit information bureau 征信所 credit information service {n.}征信机构,征信所 credit inquiry 商行信用的调查 ...

Dun & Bradstreet

...人、会计师等 信用报告机构: 资信评级机构 企业征信机构(如Dun & Bradstreet) 个人征信机构(如Equifax、Experian、Tr

credit agency

4 ... 4 征收关税 collection of duty 4 征信机构 credit agency 2 整顿财务 putting financial affaires in order ...

credit rating agencics

credit-英汉词典... ... credit rate {n.}信用证汇兑率 credit rating agencics {n.}征信机构 credit ratio {n.}信贷比率 ...
