
  • 网络win-win co-operation; A One-Two Punch; Strong strong together



win-win co-operation

口译词汇大全 - 英语专业 考研论坛 ... 欠收(农业) crop failure 强强联手 win-win co-operation 强权外交 power diplomacy ...

A One-Two Punch

精益生产与六西格玛 ――强强联手A One-Two Punch) 当今社会,制造商们为了在收入持平的严峻形势下保持利润的不断增 …

Strong strong together

东方金融网 ... 案例赏析 Brand link 强强联手 Strong strong together 企业文化 Crporate culture ...

The strong co-operate another strong guy.

成语翻译整理专帖 -... ... 27. 强强联手 The strong co-operate another strong guy. 28. 乐不可支 Can not support the joy. ...

the cooperation of strongers

强强联手,the... ... ) compulsory measure 强制手段 ) the cooperation of strongers 强强联手 ) strong-strong union 强强联合 ...

Secrets Revealed

第五关:强强联手Secrets Revealed) 埃拉西亚的领主们仍然对亡灵的入侵视而不见,势单力孤的约克首位不能相顾,他不 …
