
  • 网络To Construct an Innovative Country; make China an innovative nation; innovation-oriented country



To Construct an Innovative Country

十八大的一个热词是:建设创新型国家To Construct an Innovative Country)。技术创新是与新技术的研究开发、生产及其 …

make China an innovative nation

... 弘扬良好思想道德风尚 promote moral integrity copyright englishtang 建设创新型国家 make China an innovative nation ...

innovation-oriented country

走创新发展道路,建设创新型国家innovation-oriented country),推动国家经济增长方式从要素驱动型(Resource-Driven…

to construct an innovative.

... 与时俱进 keep up with the times 建设创新型国家 to construct an innovative... 财产性收入 property income ...

to build a country based on innovation

翻译词典... ... to build a country based on innovation 建设创新型国家 land-based discharge 陆基排放,陆上排放 ...

building of an innovation nation

建设新美国,build a new... ... ) new China construction 新中国建设 ) building of an innovation nation 建设创新型国家 ...
