
  • 网络Advertising Law; Advertisement Law; Advertising Laws



Advertising Law

我国现行有效法律名称 - 豆丁网 ... The Bidding Law 招标投标法 Advertising Law 广告法 Negotiable Instruments Law 票据法 ...

Advertisement Law

共享资源 ... Anti-unfair Competition 反不正当竞争 Advertisement Law 广告法 Trademark Law of PRC 商标法 ...

Advertising Laws

广告学专业 - smallfish... ... 美学 Aesthetics 广告法 Advertising Laws 广告传播学 Advertising Communication ...

The Advertisement Law

法律英语:凡客T恤... ... 知识产权 intellectual property right=IPR 广告法 The Advertisement Law 肖像权 right of portraiture ...

Advertisement Regulation Act

英国有专门的广告法规,即1907年颁布的《广告法》 (Advertisement Regulation Act)。它起初是规范户外广告的法律,目的是 …

Advertising Law Internet Site

广告法(Advertising Law Internet Site)[英文] 广告法资源中心(The Advertising Law Resource Center)[英文] 商业法律(Law Pointer...

Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China
