
  • 网络make ends meet; Balancing the Books; balance transfer



make ends meet

外教英语_新浪博客 ... sky-high 昂贵的 make ends meet 平衡收支 1. It's difficult to say. 很难说。 ...

Balancing the Books

...h Flow for Capsuleers)商业 平衡收支Balancing the Books)代理人分布

balance transfer

大多数信用卡对于现金垫款(cash advance)和平衡收支(balance transfer)不给宽限期,即时开始收取利息。假如你上个月的款项 …

Balance Budget

“地方政府皆以平衡收支Balance Budget)方式运作,一个地方越多发展,也就能收取越多税收;因此,以常理推断,地方政 …

to balance the books

balance... ... balance brought forward 余额承前页 to balance the books 平衡收支 to keep/lose one's balance 保持/失去平衡 ...

balance income and expenditure

人教版英语必修三Unit2... ... 1. balance V (使)平衡 balance income and expenditure 平衡收支 n. a pair of balance 一副天平 ...

balance revenue and expenditure

balance example sentences, how to use... ... 保持平衡 maintain a balance 平衡收支 balance revenue and expenditure ...

to make both ends meet

大作文... ... 17. at an early age 早期 19. to make both ends meet 平衡收支 20. be of great significance to sb 对。。很重要 ...
