
  • 网络restraining the hyperactivity of the liver yang; calm the liver and subdue yang; repressing hyperactive Liver Yang



restraining the hyperactivity of the liver yang

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业... ... 遏止性呼吸 restrained breathing 平肝潜阳 restraining the hyperactivity of the liver yang ...

calm the liver and subdue yang

很有... ... 平喘药||anti-asthmatic 平肝潜阳||calm the liver and subdue yang 平肝熄风||calming the liver to stop the wind ...

repressing hyperactive Liver Yang

... 15. regulating Yin and Yang 调和阴阳 16. repressing hyperactive Liver Yang 平肝潜阳 17. Tomb of Yang Can 杨粲墓 ...

suppressing hyperactive liver and subsiding yang

... 平肝潜阳 suppressing hyperactive liver and subsiding yang 息风解痉 relieving spasm by calming endogenous wind ...

subdue the liver yang and release mental atress

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词... ... 平肝潜阳 subdue the liver yang and release mental atress 舌下部 subglossal region ...

Suppressing hyperactive liver and subsiding yang
