
  • 网络Wild Geese Descending On The Sandbank; Wild Geese over the Clam Sands; Wild Geese in the Sandbank



Wild Geese Descending On The Sandbank

平沙落雁试... ... 山居吟 Song Of Living In The Mountains 平沙落雁 Wild Geese Descending On The Sandbank 酒狂 The Drunk…

Wild Geese over the Clam Sands

古曲音乐标题翻译 ... 9、广陵散 Guang ling Verse 1、平沙落雁 Wild Geese over the Clam Sands 2、风雷引 Tune of Wind ...

Wild Geese in the Sandbank

琴赋 古琴大师 ... 9. 欸乃 Ai Nai 1. 平沙落雁 Wild Geese in the Sandbank 2. 阳关三迭 Passing Yangguan ...

Wild Geese On The Sandbank

中国古琴十大名曲/CHINA... ... 梅花三弄 Plum Blossom Melody 平沙落雁[琴箫合奏] Wild Geese On The Sandbank 楚歌 So…

The Wild Geese Descending on the Sandy Beach

传统民族音乐的瑰宝!-群星... ... 04. 平沙落雁 The Wild Geese Descending on the Sandy Beach 05. 小梁州 Small Liangzhou ...

Wild Geese Alighting on the Sands

庆五一.民族国粹震撼登场《世纪乐典.名曲典... ... 07. 酒狂 A Feigned Drunkard 08. 平沙落雁 Wild Geese Alighting on the Sand

Wild Goose Lands On The Sandy Beach

赋传统以新意,... ... 02 胡笳( Barbarian Pipe) 03 平沙落雁( Wild Goose Lands On The Sandy Beach) 04 流水( Flowing Stream…

GuQin-Wild Geese Descending On The Sandbank

平沙落雁Ping on... ... PingShaLuoYan 平沙落雁 GuQin-Wild Geese Descending On The Sandbank (平沙落雁) FengQiuHuang …
