
  • n.average haul
  • 网络averge distance carried; average haul distance; average distance carried



average haul

金属材料工程专业英语 - 豆丁网 ... average grain diameter 晶粒平均直径 average haul 平均运距 average highway 一般公路 ...

averge distance carried

carry - 英汉词典 ... carrying time 载客时间 averge distance carried 平均运距 carrying kilometres 载客里程 ...

average haul distance

haul distance是什么意思_haul... ... average haul distance1. 平均运距 freight average haul distance1. 货物平均运距 ...

average distance carried

公共交... ... average stop spacing,average station spacing 平均站距 average distance carried 平均运距 basic fare 基本票价 ...

Average Length of Haul

浙江省水运业节能减排指标体系和控制措... ... 十亿吨英里( billion ton-miles) 平均运距Average Length of Haul) 英里( mi…

otturiche toshush ariliqi

Uyghurchida... ... 平均出行时间 otturiche seper waqti 平均运距 otturiche toshush ariliqi 平均站距 otturiche béket ariliqi ...

average of carrying distance

平均运距,average of carrying... ... ) average of carrying distance 平均运距 ) mean haul equation method 平均运距相等法 ...
