
  • un.market regulation
  • 网络regulation through the market; market adjustment; regulation of markets



market regulation

经济学英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... market separation 市场分割 market regulation 市场调节 market share 市场份额 ...

regulation through the market

最新实... ... registered exchange 注册交易所 regulation through the market 市场调节 registered money lender 注册贷款公司 ...

market adjustment

Castells指出「市场调节」(market adjustment)是投机的金融泡沫(financial bubble)的希望。这里的bubble隐喻著迷思或欺骗(misl…

regulation of markets

会计词汇E ... regulate 调节;规管;规限 regulation of markets 市场调节;市场监察 regulator 监管机构 ...

role of regulation through the maket

市,市字的解释,查字典 ... 市场经济[ market economy] 市场调节[ role of regulation through the maket] 市朝[ public places] ...

market readjustment

石油词汇英语翻译(M)--石油百科 ... market price 市场价格 market readjustment 市场调节 market report 市场报告 ...

market forces

亚马逊英语培训 | 亚马逊 | 亚马逊英语 |... ... 使负担 be saddled with 市场调节 market forces 市场经济 market economy ...

Market Mediation

...力,称之为供应链的 要与要求的能力,称之为供应链的市场调节 (Market Mediation)功能. 如果产品的需求是可以预测的,就像功 …
