
  • na.alliance of the working class with the peasantry
  • 网络worker-peasant alliance; alliance of the workers and peasants; Alliance of Workers and Peasants



worker-peasant alliance

“工... ... 39. 工农兵学员[ worker-peasant-soldier students] 40. 工农联盟[ worker-peasant alliance] 41. 工棚[ work shed] ...

alliance of the workers and peasants

联盟这个词用英文怎么拼写?_百度知道 ... 结成联盟 make an alliance 工农联盟 alliance of the workers and peasants ...

Alliance of Workers and Peasants

法律词汇汉英互译A-1专业英语词汇翻译网站... ... 代理人 agent 工农联盟 Alliance of Workers and Peasants 更改 alter ...

WESTBANK Alliance of Workers and Peasants

爱思英语论坛 -... ... 工矿区 WESTBANK industrial and mining district 工农联盟 WESTBANK Alliance of Workers and Peasants ...

alliance of industrial and agricultural workers

agricultural-英汉词典... ... agricultural zoning 农业分区 alliance of industrial and agricultural workers {n.}工农联盟 ...
