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A Goat on a Hillside

进口CD:昆曲(CD)-音乐-亚马逊中国 ... 12 《长生殿:弹词》七转( Seven Turnings) 01 《牡丹亭:惊梦》山坡羊A Goat o

Goats on the Hillside

黑土歌; on Veengle ... An interview with erhu master - Wang Guotong (王国潼) Ruan - Goats on the Hillside 山坡羊 ...

Goats at the Hillside

YouTube ... Guzheng - Back Riding the Donkey 倒骑驴 Guzheng - Goats at the Hillside 山坡羊 ...

Sheep on the Hills

纳西古乐... ... 十供养(唱经) Ten Consecrations 山坡羊(曲牌) Sheep on the Hills 步步娇(曲牌) Gracefull Steps ...

Sheep on Mountain Slope

爱国诗歌... ... 百姓苦 People suffer. 山坡羊 Sheep on Mountain Slope 峰峦如聚 Ridges and peaks look as if gathered, ...

On Highway

Poems List |... ... Yellowstone Morning 五言古诗◎黄石晨雨 On Highway 山坡羊◎高速揽胜 Yellowstone 山坡羊◎黄石公园 ...

dall sheep

...(caribou),总是在高高陡坡上躲 开捕食者的山坡羊(dall sheep),阿拉斯加的州鸟柳雷鸟(ptarmigan)等动物。
