
  • na.a style of calligraphy
  • 网络Small Seal Script; an ancient style of calligraphy; small-seal style



Small Seal Script

分大篆(Large Seal Script)和小篆Small Seal Script)。前者指西周至春秋战国时期的文字,乃承金文而来;后者则指秦始 …

an ancient style of calligraphy

small-seal style

书法的各种书体怎么翻译成英文?_百度知道 ... big-seal style 大篆 small-seal style 小篆 cursive hand 草书 ...

the Small Seal Script

Chinese cultural terms... ... 国粹 quintessence of Chinese culture 小篆 the Small Seal Script 隶书 the Official Script ...

form character

character blocking_翻译 ... 字库: character library 小篆form character 个性: Individual character ...

Small Seal Characters

CLASS 4 UNITED ... 大篆 Big Seal Characters 小篆 Small Seal Characters 隶书 Official Script ...
