
  • na.much in little
  • 网络The Little BIG Things; Mass in A Minor; multum in parvo



The Little BIG Things

这样的故事,我手中有成百上千,我的最新作品《小中见大》(The Little BIG Things)的创作动力便来源于此。在写书的整个过 …

Mass in A Minor

世界动画艺术推荐目录——3.... ... (Fisheye) 鱼眼 8'45" (Mass in A Minor) 小中见大 3'48" (The Tower of Babel) 巴比伦塔 4'25" ...

much in little

拉丁语成语 ... [by one's own motion] 自行;自动;自愿;出于本意 * [much in little] 言简意赅;小而俱全;大寓于小;小 中见

multum in parvo

Seeing the Big within the Small

See a wide view in a small confined area

中级口译词汇作业11---15.2.0 -... ... 小中见大 See a wide view in a small confined area 资金短缺 Lack of sufficient funds ...
