
  • 网络partner assistance; pairing-assistance; give assistance to an oriented area



partner assistance

英文潮起来~~_English Corner_派派小说 ... 替罪羔羊 whipping boy 对口支援 partner assistance 扫把星 jinx ...


译协特色词汇选登2... ... 5.对口支援 pairing-assistance 6.“大通关”建设 national project to facilitate customs clearance ...

give assistance to an oriented area

... 堵塞河道 clogging river 对口支援 give assistance to an oriented area ...

one-on-one assistance

49. 联合国人类发展报告中国部分中英... ... 对……做出了系统总结 outline the gist of sth. 对口支援 one-on-one assistanc

counterpart aid

什么意思... ... determinacy counterpart 确定性副本 counterpart aid 对口支援 counterpart offeree 相对人 ...

one-to-one assistance

十七大报告重点词汇... ... 敌对状态 the state of hostility 对口支援 one-to-one assistance 发布信息 release of information ...

one-to-one urban assistance to rural areas

外事港澳 ... 对口支援 one-to-one urban assistance to rural areas 多层次合作机制 multi-level cooperation mechanism ...

partner assistan.

每日英语... ... 一日一潮词 (舌钉) tongue pin 一日一潮词 (对口支援) partner assistan... 一日一潮词 (重工业) heavy industry ...
