
  • 网络pair production; pair creation; make a difference to



pair production

WorldWideScience.org Topics : P ... paints( 油漆) pair production( 对产生) pairing energy( 对能) ...

pair creation

近代物理II... ... 电子( electron) pair annihilation 418,470 pair creation 对产生 454, 458, 470 ...

make a difference to

九上短语_文档下载... ... 3. do harm to 对……造成伤害 4. make a difference to 对……产生 5. get an email from sb. 收到某人的 ...

make an impact on

《最新TOEFL词组》 第M课... ... make a tribute to 向…献礼... make an impact on 对…产生... make one's way to 想方设法... ...
