
  • 网络alternate spells of fever and chill; alternate attacks of chills and fever; alternating spells of chills and fever



alternate spells of fever and chill

医药词汇-医药翻译词汇 ... 恶寒 aversion to cold 寒热往来 alternate spells of fever and chill 壮热 strong heat ...

alternate attacks of chills and fever

... 代替剂 alternate agent 寒热往来 alternate attacks of chills and fever 寒热往来 alternate attaks of chills and fever ...

alternating spells of chills and fever

翻译词典... ... alternate spells of fever and chill n.寒热往来 alternating spells of chills and fever 寒热往来 ...

alternating spells of fever and chillsalternating

翻译词典... ... leave evil unchecked spells ruin 养痈成(贻)患 alternating spells of fever and chillsalternating 寒热往来 ...

alternate attacks of chils and fever

专业词汇... ... 虾钳菜属 alternanthera 寒热往来 alternate attacks of chils and fever 阵寒阵热 alternate chills and fever ...

alternate episodes of chills and fever

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线... ... 阵寒阵热 alternate chills and fever 寒热往来 alternate episodes of chills and fever ...

alternating episodes of chills and fever

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词... ... 劳逸结合 alternate work and rest 寒热往来 alternating episodes of chills and fever ...

Alternate chills and fever

中医词汇术语(一) ... Afternoon fever 日哺发热 Alternate chills and fever 寒热往来 Anorexia 食欲不振 ...
