
  • 网络rip off; rip somebody off; to overcharge



rip off

口译词汇大全 - 英语专业 考研论坛 ... 站得住脚 hold water 宰人 rip off 宰(客) to swindle money out of our customers ...

rip somebody off

tongwen_新浪博客 ... 咂牌子 ruin reputation 宰人 rip somebody off 英语 English Articals ...

to overcharge

流行语英译_张小山_新浪博客 ... To cut staff members 裁员 To overcharge 宰人 Dope 内幕 ...


My World: Zi dian 1 ... 新兴 New and developing 宰人 Overcharge 法制 Legal system ...

an arm and a leg

曲一线科学备考•53英语:高考英语七选五阅读理... ... water yoga 水中瑜伽 an arm and a leg 宰人 1egacy media “老式”媒体 ...

cost an arm and a leg

Slang Part 8 ... 17. splurge 挥霍 18. cost an arm and a leg 宰人(价格) 19. chicken out 因害怕而打退堂鼓 ...

rip sb off

China Daily汉英特色词汇(一) ... 动物收容所 animal shelter (买东西)宰人 rip sb off 讨价还价 haggle ...

rip someone off

《口译教程》重点英汉互译 - 豆丁网 ... 筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment 宰人 rip someone off ...
