
  • 网络facilitate the flow of the lung-qi; faciliatte the flow of the lung-qi; clearing the lung



facilitate the flow of the lung-qi

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双... ... 宣肺 facilitate the flow of the lung-qi 木郁达之 facilitate the stagnant wood ...

faciliatte the flow of the lung-qi

专业词汇在线翻译、医学... ... 面部疖 facila furuncle 宣肺 faciliatte the flow of the lung-qi 便于煎服 facilitate decoction ...

clearing the lung

Has 宣肺 (clearing the lung) the principle, relieving the chest, making people accept their lives calmly, also may treat, r...

diffuse the lung

COMPLETE... ... 宣明论方 An Elucidation of Formulas 宣肺 diffuse the lung 宣肺化痰 diffuse the lung and transform phlegm ...
