
  • n.steady flow; permanent flow
  • 网络stationary flow; stationary stream; constant flow



steady flow

机械工程学专业词汇英语翻译(S) ... steady detonation 定常爆轰 steady flow 定常流 steady free surface flow 定常无压流 ...

stationary flow

液压方面的英语单词(ZT)|无忧教育 ... rated flow 额定流量 stationary flow 定常流,定常流动 streamline flow 层流 ...

stationary stream

专业词汇在线翻译、专业英语词典、双... ... 定常空泡 steady-state cavitation 定常流 stationary stream 定常力矩 steady momen…

permanent flow

英语单词flow是什么意思,... ... pencil-line flow 射束线流 permanent flow 恒流, 定常流 physical flow of goods 商品实质流程 ...

constant flow

机械专业英语词汇-机械资讯-马棚网... ... constant flow 稳定流,定常流 constant flow control 恒流调节,质调节 ...

teady motion of a fluid

'motion... ... potential motion of a fluid 势流 teady motion of a fluid 定常流 fluid motion equatio 流体运动方程 ...
