
  • 网络official interest rate; the official interest rate; official interest rates



official interest rate

通货储蓄率如何计... ... 日利率 daily interest rate 官定利率,官方利率 official interest rate 市场利率 market interest rate ...

the official interest rate

...新闻里经常提到的各国央行上调或下降的利率,是各国的官方利率the official interest rate),基本上相当于央行的再贴现利 …

official interest rates

外刊经贸知识选读复习_我的自考... ... 72、self-sufficient 自给自足的* 73、official interest rates 官方利率 74、float 浮动* ...

official rates

Business English Vocabulary ... ... official invoice 正式发票 official rates 官方利率 official rate of exchange 官方利率 ...

official rate of exchange

Business English Vocabulary... ... official rates 官方利率 official rate of exchange 官方利率 official receipts 正式收据 ...

Xofficial rate of exchange

所有专业词汇分类汇总1 - 英语听说... ... {6 Xofficial rate of exchange 官方利率 ) Q3 m$ P' o7 H& A+ x& F* Eoil paper 油纸 ...

Fed fund

二年期债券殖利率(2 year-note yield)升到2.41% 已高於官方利率(Fed fund)的2.25%这是近年来罕见的现象 原因除了经济现况稍 …
