
  • 网络the right to security; The Right to Safety; the rights of safety



the right to security

...he right to the capital)6安全权the right to security)。

The Right to Safety

获得基本、必需的商品和服务以及充分的食物、衣服、住房、健康治疗、教育和卫生条件的权利;(2)安全权(The Right to Saf

the rights of safety

请不要随意对... ... 5.隐私权( the rights of pravacy ) 6.安全权( the rights of safety ) 7.选择权( the rights of choice ) ...

safety right

全权代理人,universal... ... ) preserve rights 保全权利 ) safety right 安全权 ) universal agent 全权代理人 ...

The Right of Safety

安全权(The Right of Safety)免受伤害权(The Right of Do No Harm)求偿权(The Right for Compensation)医疗文件制发请求权(Th…
