
  • 网络caring parents; Honor your father and mother; Filial Piety



caring parents

  孝敬父母(caring parents )  Only in a reasonable, prosperous and healthy atmosphere can we hope to witness the ideal scene...

Honor your father and mother

... Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy 守安息日 Honor your father and mother 孝敬父母 You shall not murder 不可杀人 ...

Filial Piety

圣经辞典-圣经园地-天主教图书中心-天主教在线 ... 妓女( Harlot, Meretix) 孝敬父母Filial Piety) 巫术 [术士]( Magic) ...

Honor your father and your mother

《圣经旧约》 “十诫” 的第五条诫命:“当孝敬父母Honor your father and your mother)”。作为基督徒,我总在反省自己的过 …

Father and mother

...良,聪明,体贴,保护(Protection)孩子和孝敬父母(Father and mother),真诚的看待亲戚和朋友等等…但是为何从恋爱(Love) …

Honour thy father and thy mother

第五诫:孝敬父母(Honour thy father and thy mother)第六诫:不可杀人(Thou shalt not kill)第七诫:不可奸淫(Thou shalt not co…

Filial to our parents

十条家规英语+意思_百度知道 ... 7. Filial to our parents孝敬父母) 8.be fiendly to everyone( 友好的对待每一个人) ...
