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uterine hypoplasia

胚胎学相关英语词汇(2) ... 双子宫 double uterus 子宫发育不全 uterine hypoplasia 子宫颈闭锁 atresia of cervix ...

hypoplasia of uterus

lesson 10 Obstetrics... ... chronic anovulation 持续无排卵 hypoplasia of uterus 子宫发育不全 Infantile uterus 幼稚型子宫 ...

hypoplasia of the uterus

妇产科学英语词汇集 ... hypofunction of corpus luteum 黄体功能不足 hypoplasia of the uterus 子宫发育不全 ...

uterine aplasia

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线... ... 子宫性闭经 uterine amenorrhea 子宫发育不全 uterine aplasia 子宫卒中 uterine apoplex…

hypoplasia of sex glands

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、... ... 压力过低 hypopiesis 子宫发育不全 hypoplasia of sex glands 低血压的 hypotenslv…

Hypoplastic uterus

...…!子宫先天发育不全,子宫太小或发育不良的子宫叫做子宫发育不全Hypoplastic uterus),因为她的子宫先天组织就比 …

Uterine agenesis or hypoplasia

...noma) 女性生殖系统常见病诊断 先天性异常 子宫发育不全(Uterine agenesis or hypoplasia) 单角子宫(Unicornuate uterus) 双 …
