
  • na.be jealous of the good and envious of the strong
  • 网络envy the good and able; Be Jealous Of Real Talent; To be jealous and envious of capable persons



envy the good and able

Character - Chinese Character... ... 嫉贤妒能[ envy the good and able] 见贤思齐[ study from him when he is virtaous] ...

Be Jealous Of Real Talent

什么意思_英语be... ... to be jealous of 吃醋 Be Jealous Of Real Talent 嫉贤妒能 be jealous of his marks 嫉妒他的成绩 ...

To be jealous and envious of capable persons

最新时事、政治、外交词汇一览表——... ... 找后台, Seek back stage boss 嫉贤妒能, To be jealous and envious of capable per

envy one's talent

帮忙翻译一下_爱问知识人 ... 各界代表 all circle representatives 嫉贤妒能 envy one's talent 解放思想 emancipate the mind ...
