
  • na.plead with tactful words
  • 网络advise sb. with kind words; comfort with kind words; Persuade them to



plead with tactful words

第二课 我的邻桌方大鹏 flashcards |... ... 陶醉 be intoxicated with;revel in 好言相劝 plead with tactful words 增添 add ...

advise sb. with kind words

百度词典搜索_相 ... 5.[书] (宰相) prime minister: advise sb. with kind words; 好言相劝 to tell you the truth; 实不相瞒 ...

comfort with kind words

多音字comfort... ... 好言相劝 comfort with kind words 画饼充饥(画饼充饥)[ huàbǐngchōngjī] ...

Persuade them to

...上眼睛才能看见最干净的世界。超等马里奥先慰藉范比滕、领前搂住古斯塔沃(Gustavo)好言相劝(Persuade them to),最后内 …

giving advice

...asic Sentence Patterns), 好言相劝(giving advice), 现在时式 (Present Tenses), 过去时式 Past tenses, Future Tenses 将来时式)
