
  • 网络tydf; the heaven was round and the earth square; round sky and square earth




... 天津宇辰人工环境有限公司 14 14 天圆地方 天圆地方(tydf) (tydf) 菜单位置 菜单位置:: 【【空空 调 调】】→→【【方方 风风 …

the heaven was round and the earth square

导游英语常用... ... circuar shaped buiding 圆形建筑 the heaven was round and the earth square 天圆地方 cone-shaped 圆锥形 ...

round sky and square earth

"天圆地方"说,theory of "a... ... ) round sky and square earth 天圆地方 ) Oblique Square Dome Shaped Pipe 斜天圆地方 ...

orbicular sky and rectangular earth

求翻译!!高手进!急 -... ... 液面计大小 liquid level indicator 天圆地方 orbicular sky and rectangular earth 弯管 elbow ...

Circular Sky and Square Earth I

Yang Jie Chang at Alisan ... Circular Sky and Square Earth I 天圆地方, 1992-98 Double View - Light 重观-光, 2000 ...

Round heaven-square earth

天圆地方 ... 2。共济会( Freemasons) 天圆地方 Round heaven-square earth 阮宗光 著 yuen chung kwong ...

a square earth and spherical heavens

"天圆地方"说,theory of... ... "a square earth and spherical heavens"" 天圆地方"说 ) round sky and square earth 天圆地方 ...

Hemispherical dome

天圆地方 (Hemispherical dome) 古代的人由于活动范围狭小,往往凭 自己的直觉认识世界,看眼前的地面是 平的,以为整个大 …
