
  • na.correspondence between man and universe
  • 网络correspondence between nature and human; Nature and omen correspond to each other; correspondence of human body and natural environment



correspondence between man and universe

专业词汇在线翻译、... ... 可里洛皂苷配基 correllogenin 天人相应 correspondence between man and universe 对应 correspond…

correspondence between nature and human

Nature and omen correspond to each other

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、... ... 天人相应 Nature and omen correspond to each other 颈强肢麻 Neck and Nape Q…

correspondence of human body and natural environment

03.中医基础理论 ... 气立 establishment of general qi 天人相应 correspondence of human body and natural environment ...

heaven and humankind are mutually responsive

COMPLETE BANK OF TERMS USED BY N ... 天人相应 heaven and humankind are mutually responsive 天干 heavenly stem ...

adaptation of humans to the natural environment

Advanced ... ... 进补 to supplement for health 天人相应 adaptation of humans to the natural environment 顺应 comply with ...

as a microcosm

专业词... ... 涩精止带 artringe spontaneous emission or leukorrhea 天人相应 as a microcosm 象苦胆一样苦 as bitter as gall ...

is conected with the microcosm

专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业在线词典、双语例句 ... 刺激疗法 irritation therapy 天人相应 is conected with the microcosm ...
