
  • 网络Gold and Sand; Like Waves Against The Sand; Ebb Tide



Gold and Sand

老电影-目录大全 2 ... 不平静的日子 UNQUIET DAYS 大浪淘沙 GOLD AND SAND (1989) 逢凶化吉 TURN ILL LUCK INTO …

Like Waves Against The Sand

... 09. The High Moon 月儿高(合奏) 10. Like Waves Against The Sand 大浪淘沙(琵琶独奏) 11. Birdsong 吟中鸟(笛子独奏) ...

Ebb Tide

三衢客... ... 09 Always On My Mind 永在我心 10 Ebb Tide 大浪淘沙 11 Somewhere In Time 似曾相识电影《时光倒流七十年》 …

Great Waves Sweeping Away Sand

乐器演奏的全部歌... ... 月儿高 The Lofty Moon 大浪淘沙 Great Waves Sweeping Away Sand 阳春白雪 White Snow In Sunny S…

Waves Washing Away The Sand

方锦龙 - 十面埋伏 - 专辑唱片介绍 评论... ... 9. 大浪淘沙( Waves Washing Away The Sand) 1. 十面埋伏( Ambush On Ten Side) ...

Big Billows Beat The Sands

乐器演奏的... ... 瀛州古调 An Ancient Melody From Yingzhou 大浪淘沙 Big Billows Beat The Sands 秋思 Gloomy Mood of Autu…

Grand Lang Tao Sha

梅花三弄_淘歌单_酷我音乐 ... 播放塞上曲 Song at the Frontier 大浪淘沙 Grand Lang Tao Sha 播放大浪淘沙 Grand Lang Tao …

Great Waves Washing the Sand

世纪乐... ... 07. 龙船 Dragon Boats 01. 大浪淘沙 Great Waves Washing the Sand 02. 歌舞引 Singing and Dancing Introductory ...
