
  • n.exchange quotations
  • 网络exchange rate quotation; foreign exchange quotations; rating of exchange



exchange rate quotation

外贸英语词汇 - 豆丁网 ... discount quotation 贴现行情 17. exchange rate quotation 外汇行情 18. commission 佣金 19. ...

exchange quotations

exchange英语用法_百度知道 ... exchange force 【物】交换力 exchange quotations 外汇行情 exchange table 汇兑换算表 ...

exchange quotation

沧海笑 - 博客园 ... 汇兑合约预约 forward exchange contract 外汇行情 exchange quotation 官方汇率 official rate ...

foreign exchange quotations

金融词汇 ... foreign exchange parity 外汇平价 foreign exchange quotations 外汇行情 foreign exchange regulations 外汇条例 ...

rating of exchange

航海及海运专业英语词汇(R2) ... rating of engine 发动机功率 rating of exchange 外汇行情 rating of fuel 耗油额定值 ...

Foreign Exchange Reviews

国际商务英语阅读... ... 第一节 走向世界 Going Global 第二节 外汇行情 Foreign Exchange Reviews 第三节 电子商务 E-commer…

exchange excerpt

什么意思_英语excerpt在线翻译_有道词典... ... to excerpt 摘记 ; 摘抄 exchange excerpt 外汇行情 Short Excerpt 短摘录 ...

toeign exalter quotations

储蓄所英语... ... toeign exalter restriction 外汇限额 toeign exalter quotations 外汇行情 to check the rate to sb. 查牌价 ...
