
  • na.shout oneself hoarse
  • 网络at the top of one's lungs; shout oneself blue in the face; He was talking at the top of his voice.



shout oneself hoarse

My World: Zi dian 2 ... 湿漉漉 Wet 声嘶力竭 Shout oneself hoarse 洪亮 Loud and clear ...

at the top of one's lungs

补漏Slang I-crystal-搜狐博客 ... Bottoms up! 干杯! 3、at the top of one's lungs 声嘶力竭 2、as slippery as an eel 奸诈狡猾 ...

shout oneself blue in the face

优秀课件笔记之视听巧记... ... 成语 闻风而起(动) go into action without delay 成语 声嘶力竭 shout oneself blue in the face ...

He was talking at the top of his voice.

中国成语英译(简体版) ... 礼多必诈 full of courtesy,full of craft 声嘶力竭 He was talking at the top of his voice. ...

at the top of one's voice

流行英文成语翻译方法... ... 微不足道 a drop in the ocean 声嘶力竭 at the top of one's voice 擅离职守 asleep at the switch ...

To shout oneself hoarse

Global Chinese Language And Culture... ... Spilt Water Cannot Be Gathered Up 覆水难收 To shout oneself hoarse 声嘶力竭 ...

