
  • 网络fundamental realities of the country; basic national condition; Basic reality



fundamental realities of the country

口译词... ... 混合经济 mixed economy 基本国情 fundamental realities of the country 积极的财政政策 proactive fiscal policy ...

basic national condition

中英文双语新闻对... ... 传统产业 traditional industries 基本国情 basic national condition 基本国策 the basic state policy ...

Basic reality

... 指导方针 Guiding principle for 基本国情 Basic reality 生产力水平总体上还不高 The overall productivity remains low. ...

Basic national conditions

罗密欧与朱丽叶... ... 新加坡旅游 Travel in Singapore 一 基本国情 Basic national conditions 1 自然条件 Natural conditions ...

the basic national realities

... 国情特殊 specific national conditions 基本国情 the basic national realities 我国国情 the state of our country ...
