
  • n.toe; downhill; base of slope
  • 网络slope toe; toe of slope; toe of side slope



slope toe

土地词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... slope stability works 巩固斜坡工程 slope toe 坡脚 slope treatment works 斜坡整理工程 ...

toe of slope

包头市规划局 ... 第6.1.11条 (边)坡顶 top of slope 第6.1.12条 (边)坡脚 toe of slope 第6.1.13条 护坡道 berm ...


downhill的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典 ... 美国传统词典 down.hill n.山坡,下坡,坡脚 downhill n.山坡,下坡,坡脚 downhill ...

toe of side slope

译网情深 - 打印文章 - ... 路堤边坡 side slope of embankment; fill slope talus 坡脚 toe of side slope 护道 berm ...

foot of slope

on foot ... foot of a perpendicular 垂足 foot of slope 坡脚 foot up to 70 yuan 共计70元 ...

lower footslope

石油词汇英语翻译(L)--石油百科 ... lower fan 下部海底扇 lower footslope 坡脚 lower frequency wavelet 低频子波 ...

basal slope

石油英语词汇(B1)_专业词汇_专业英语_食品伙伴网 ... basal sliding 底部滑动 basal slope 坡脚 basal structure 基底构造 ...
