
  • 网络stratigraphic reservoir; stratigraphic hydrocarbon reservoir; Stratigraphic oil and gas pool



stratigraphic reservoir

地质专业英语... ... stratigraphic profile 地层剖面图 stratigraphic reservoir 地层油气藏 stratigraphic separation 地层离距 ...

stratigraphic hydrocarbon reservoir

汉英石油名词-3_乔 浩辰... ... 地层油气藏||stratigraphic hydrocarbon reservoir 地层真电阻率||true formation resistivity ...

Stratigraphic oil and gas pool

石油地质名词解释 -... ... 1.679 地层油气藏 Stratigraphic oil and gas pool 1.680 岩性油气藏 Lithologic oil and gas pool ...

stratigraphic oil and gas reservoirs

地层超覆油气藏,stra... ... ) stratigraphic oil-gas reservoir 地层油气藏 ) stratigraphic oil and gas reservoirs 地层油气藏 ...

stratigraphic oil-gas reservoir

地层超覆油气藏,stratigraphic... ... ) stratigraphic reservoir 地层油气藏 ) stratigraphic oil-gas reservoir 地层油气藏 ...
