
  • 网络subject of international law; subjects of international law; International Persons



subject of international law

I L_亮片釉_新浪博客 ... constitution 宪法 subject of international law 国际法主体 unitary state 单一国 ...

subjects of international law

一句话下无古今 - 寄托家园留学论坛 -... ... subjects of international law 国际法主体 Substantiated information 经证实情报 ...

International Persons

奥古斯... ... The Practice in Municipal Courts( 国内法院的实践)9 E. International Persons国际法主体)12 States( 国家…

the subjects of international law

常用国际法... ... sources of international law 国际法的渊源 the subjects of international law 国际法主体 recognation 承认 ...

subject of the law

4.国际法的主体和管辖 (1)国际法主体subject of the law)或法人(legal person)享有法律上的权利和义务。 自然法学派 …
