
  • 网络International Covenant on Human Rights; International conventions; international human rights instruments



International Covenant on Human Rights

政治及选举事务用词_翻译家... ... International Covenant on Human Rights国际人权公约》 international law 国际法 ...

International conventions

... 批判理论: critique theory 国际人权公约International conventions 突破陈规: break through outmoded conventions ...

international human rights instruments

西安同传口译培训中心 ... 加入 accede 国际人权公约 international human rights instruments ...

The International Bill of Human Rights

...计共30条文。联合国大会通过《世界人权宣言》后,人权委员在此基础上开始起草《国际人权公约》(The International Bill of

International Covenants of Human Rights

英语翻译_百度知道 ... International Covenants of Human Rights 国际人权公约 Human Rights in China 中国的人权状况 ...

international human rights covenants

一是有些人认为,世界贸易组织的相关协定损害了国际人权公约international human rights covenants )中所说的人类健康的 …

international human rights convention

国际... ... ) international human rights convention 国际人权公约 ) International Convention on Human Rights 国际人权公约 ...

International Conventions on Human Rights

critique of literary conventions_翻译 ... 文学化: Literary 国际人权公约International Conventions on Human Rights ...
