
  • 网络and state-holding companies; state holding enterprise; State-holding Enterprises



and state-holding companies

我搜集... ... state-run companies( 国有企业), and state-holding companies国有控股企业) fake / counterfeit goods( 假 …

state holding enterprise

《高级口译教程》核... ... 可行性研究 feasibility study 国有控股企业 state holding enterprise 兼并破产 merger and bankruptcy ...

State-holding Enterprises

外事港澳 ... 油菜籽 rapeseed 国有控股企业 state-holding enterprises 中成药 traditional Chinese medicine ...

state-controlled enterprises

92. OECD中国专项研究词汇表... ... state-controlled bank 国家控股银行 state-controlled enterprises 国有控股企业 ...

State-owned and Controlling Share Hold Enterprises

3... ... 全 国 总 计 National Total 其中:国有控股企业 State-owned and Controlling Share Hold Enterprises ...

State-Controlled Share Holding Enterprises

... 在总计中:国有控股企业 State-Controlled Share Holding Enterprises 在总计中: 轻工业 Of the Total:Light Industry ...


· 伴随着针对国有控股企业SCEs)的分离原则兴起,投资机制显得支离破碎。· 从国家层面上看这一新的形势,既有的国际投 …

State-owned holding enterprises

... 外商投资企业 Foreign Funded Enterprises 国有控股企业 State-owned holding enterprises ...
