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Chapters in Chinese History

Reading... ... 北京法源寺( Fayuan Temple) 国史大纲( Chapters in Chinese History) 写在墙上的脸,那时花开( Face on the wall) ...

Outline History

... ) theories of the PRC history studies 国史学理论 《Outline History》《 国史大纲》 ) a history of Dali-Kingdom 大理国史 ...

Outline of Chinese History

85-86; 92; Kuo-shih ta-kang 国史大纲 ("Outline of Chinese History"), Vol. I (Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1940), pp.

Outline of national history

Guoshi dagang 国史大纲 (Outline of national history). Beijing: Shangwu yinshuguan, 1996.
