
  • na.do the right thing at the right time
  • 网络treatment in accordance with seasonal conditions; right crop for right time; To act according to circumstances



treatment in accordance with seasonal conditions

专业词... ... 因时制宜 treatment in accordance with seasonal conditions 治疗高级胸癌 treatment of advanced breast cancer ...

right crop for right time

农业词汇英... ... right crop for right land 因地制宜 right crop for right time 因时制宜 right land for cultivation 宜植地 ...

To act according to circumstances

... 同甘共苦 To share one's joys and sorrows. 因时制宜 To act according to circumstances. 有勇无谋 More brave than wise. ...

adopt measures according to time

... ◆ 译制片[ dubbed film ] ◆ 因时制宜[ adopt measures according to time ] ◆ 银本位,银本位制[ silver standard ] ...

climate-concerned treatment

中医术语... ... 祛邪 eliminating pathogens 因时制宜 climate-concerned treatment 因地制宜 environment-concerned treatment ...

do what is appropriate according to the circumstances

air conditionerst reported by circumstances

什么意... ... fault condition reported by drive 驱动器报告的故障情况 air conditionerst reported by circumstances 因时制宜 ...


笔者屡次提及因时制宜discretion)和规则(rule)两种的施政方针,并指出后者一般比较优胜,能更有效稳定市场及控制预 …
