
  • 网络Marinated bran dough with peanuts; Four Happiness Bran Dough; Four happiness wheat gluten



Marinated bran dough with peanuts

北京紫金丽亭酒店硕砾西餐厅自助晚... ... 四喜烤麸 Marinated bran dough with peanuts 香辣海带丝 Kelp with vinegar and chili ...

Four Happiness Bran Dough

Vegetarian素食 | Herby... ... (shiro miso) 土黄色 Four Happiness Bran Dough 四喜烤麸 Three-Cup Bean Curd 三杯豆腐 ...

Four happiness wheat gluten

... 上海醉鸡 Shanghai drunken chicken 四喜烤麸 Four happiness wheat gluten 白果水晶虾仁 Crystal shrimp meat with gingko ...

Marinated Bran Dough with Peanuts and Black Fungus

翠薇轩精菜汇... ... 酱香牛肉 Beef in Soy Sauce 四喜烤麸 Marinated Bran Dough with Peanuts and Black Fungus ...

Sweet Ko Fu

北京嘉丽禾餐... ... 上海酱鸭 Shanghai Style Marinated Duck 四喜烤麸 Sweet Ko Fu 小豌豆炒虾仁 Green Bean with Shrimp Me…

Marinated Bran-dough with Peanuts and Black

保利大厦丽宫中餐厅元宵节... ... 四喜烤麸 Marinated Bran-dough with Peanuts and Black 两吃活海虾 Sautéed and Fried Shrim…

Sliced Gluten

Shau May – San Gabriel... ... 黄瓜拌凉粉 Cold Cucumber w. Green Bean Noodle 四喜烤麸 Sliced Gluten 燻鱼 Smoked Fish ...
