
  • 网络lock bolt support with shotcrete; lock bolt support woth shotcrete; shotcrete and rock bolt support



lock bolt support with shotcrete

公路工程专业术语中英文对照 - 豆丁网 ... location survey 定测 lock bolt support with shotcrete 喷锚支护 loess 黄土 ...

lock bolt support woth shotcrete

道路工程术语标准 - Susan的翻译博客 - IT博客 ... location survey 定测 lock bolt support woth shotcrete 喷锚支护 loess 黄土 ...

shotcrete and rock bolt support

铁路施工常用英文... ... 锚杆支护 anchor bolt support 喷锚支护 shotcrete and rock bolt support 系统锚杆 system anchor bolt ...

combined bolting and shotcrete

岩土工程基本... ... 7.3.1 喷射混凝土 shotcrete 7.3.2 喷锚支护 combined bolting and shotcrete 7.3.4 锚固 anchoring,bolting ...

combination of anchorage and shotcrete support

欲喷用英语怎么说... ... shotcrete and rock bolt 喷锚支护 combination of anchorage and shotcrete support 喷锚支护 ...

shotcrete-anchorage support

... 全断面掘进 full face driving method 喷锚支护 shotcrete-anchorage support 断层带处理 treatment of fault-fracture zone ...
