
  • na.One's face lit up with happiness.
  • 网络light up with pleasure; a joyful countenance; be wreathed in smiles



light up with pleasure

表示... ... 4. eyes twinkle with pleasure 喜上眉梢 5. light up with pleasure 喜笑颜开 6. be extremely delighted 欢天喜地 ...

a joyful countenance

Joyful 怎么读_百度知道 ... n. 参考资料:金山词霸 a joyful countenance 喜笑颜开 a joyful heart 愉快的心情, 欢心 ...

be wreathed in smiles

magazine ... 设宴 banquet 喜笑颜开 be wreathed in smiles 窝囊 good-for-nothing ...

Beaming with smiles

My World: zi... ... 山盟海誓 Swear an cath of enduring fidelity 喜笑颜开 Beaming with smiles 种牛 Bull kept for covering ...

the beams of a smile

翻译词典... ... a beam of hope 一线希望. the beams of a smile 喜笑颜开. with a beam of delight 兴高采烈. ...


经典同志美剧《同志亦凡人》-... ... cute 可爱 cheerful 喜笑颜开 handsome 英俊潇洒 ...

C expands

English Test 2 -和谐社会万岁-搜狐博客 ... understate 没有充分表达; C expands 喜笑颜开; A sketch 大纲,概略; ...

