
  • 网络third party acting in good faith; Third party; bona fide purchaser



third party acting in good faith

faith-英汉词典... ... the Faith {n.}宗教 third party acting in good faith {n.}善意第三人 upon my faith 我担保,一定,实在 ...

Third party

Frank's 生活法律资讯站: [法学英文] 单字库 ... Taxable 要纳税的 Third party 善意第三人 Thorough 完全的 ...

bona fide purchaser

由于善意第三人bona fide purchaser)以合理对价从被告人处取得的财产不适用没收,就可能促使律师故意不认真研究案情以 …

Innocent third party

...义务披露的,却仍然获取、 使用或披露该商业秘密;而善意第三人(Innocent third party),是指不知道或者无重大过失而不知道 …

the third party with good faith

...;禁付令必须在开证行付款或者承兑之前发出;不能损害善意第三人the third party with good faith)和正当持票人(holder i…

bona fides third party

法律英语词汇B-2|... ... 善意受让人 bona fide assignee 善意第三人 bona fides third party ...

a third party acting in good faith

海上货物运输法常... ... a special annotation 特别注明 a third party acting in good faith 善意第三人 a third party 第三方 ...

the third party acting in good faith

缩写英文 -... ... oncarrying freight 二程船运费 the third party acting in good faith 善意第三人 letter of indemnity 保函 ...
