
  • 网络Commerce and Economic Development Bureau; Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development; CEDB



Commerce and Economic Development Bureau

香港特别行政区的对外事务 - 2 ... (Territories) 成员 Commerce and Economic Development Bureau; 商务及经济发展局; ...

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development

求香港政府部门及... ... Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development 商务及经济发展局 Secretary for Development 发 …


与通讯局(前广管局)不同的是,商务及经济发展局CEDB)是特区政府的直属行政部门,其下辖的通讯及科技科的政策管理 …

Commercial and Economic Development Bureau

三司十二局。 - Yahoo!知识+ ... 商务及经济发展局( Commercial and Economic Development Bureau) 发展局( Development Bu…

Commerce & Economic Development Bureau

Economic and... ... The Broadcasting Authority 广播事务管理局 Commerce & Economic Development Bureau 商务及经济发展

Permanent Secretary for Commerce and

- pdf.io... ... 商务及经济发展局 Permanent Secretary for Commerce and 朱蔡鸣凤女士 Mrs Janet CHU ...

Deputy Secretary for Commerce

- pdf.io... ... 工业贸易署 Deputy Director-General of Trade & 商务及经济发展局 Deputy Secretary for Commerce & ...

Principal Executive Officer

-... ... 朱蔡鸣凤女士 Mrs Janet CHU 商务及经济发展局 Principal Executive Officer 卢 世 雄 先 生 , JP Mr Brian LO,JP ...
