
  • 网络On the stage,on my own; Haiyan; Sing my own songs



On the stage,on my own

Eyes... ... Whenever sang my songs 每次在舞台上,独自 On the stage,on my own 唱自己的歌 Whenever said my words 道出 …


2007艺‧难忘 -... ... 豫剧皇后王海玲 Wang Fire Music,Taiwan 唱自己的歌 Haiyan 胡德夫与野火乐集 Wild Fire Music,Taiwan ...

Sing my own songs

只做孩子 &... ... 只做孩子 Let me be a kid 唱自己的歌 Sing my own songs 说自己的话 Speak my own thou…

Sing your own song

... Sing your own special song 唱那属于自己的旋律 Sing your own song 唱自己的歌 Sing me your love song 给我唱支你的情歌 ...

the song sings itself

Summer - Michelle's little... ... is by no means a waste of time. 绝对不是虚度光阴 the song sings itself. 唱自己的歌 ...
