
  • na.bear bitter hardships
  • 网络endure all kinds of hardships; to undergo all sorts of hardships and deprivations; to undergo all possible hardship



endure all kinds of hardships

茹_英文_英语_茹用英语怎么说_翻译_读音... ... be a vegetarian 茹素 endure all kinds of hardships 含辛茹苦 茹1. YU ...

to undergo all sorts of hardships and deprivations

... ·吞吞吐吐 trying to hide something while speaking. ·含辛茹苦 to undergo all sorts of hardships and deprivations. ...

to undergo all possible hardship

... ·茶饭无心 to have no appetite. ·含辛茹苦 to undergo all possible hardship. ·草菅人命 to treat human life as grass. ...

Roughing It

英美文学重要作家作品... ... Innocents Abroad 傻子出国记 Roughing It 含辛茹苦 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 汤姆·索亚历 …

to suffer every possible torment

Wei xin | Definition |... ... 家信 letter 含辛茹苦 to suffer every possible torment 新沂市 Xin'yi city in Xuzhou ...

endure hardship

3B28 少年王& Flashcards ... 写意 Comfortable 含辛茹苦 endure hardship 支出 expenditure ...

十全十美——高考语音题型包过关! ... 冗长 rǒng 含辛茹苦 耳濡目染 rú ...

hn xīn r k

[含辛茹苦](hn xīn r kǔ) [含辛茹苦是什么意思]忍受辛苫。 [含辛茹苦的同义词]吃苦耐劳 [含辛茹苦的反义词]养尊处优 [含辛茹苦 …
