
  • na.A gentleman gets along with others, but does not necessarily agree with them.
  • 网络Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity.; Gentleman and different; In human relationships,a gentleman seeks harmony but not uniformity.



Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity.

整理了一些词组,考catti2笔时... ... 吉祥如意 Everything goes well 君子和而不同 Gentlemen seek harmony but not uniformity. ...

Gentleman and different

In human relationships,a gentleman seeks harmony but not uniformity.

Gentlemen are harmonious and not clannish

彭弘智... ... 欲速则不达 Wish for haste and there is no success. 君子和而不同 Gentlemen are harmonious and not clannish. ...

We can be friends who appreciate each other without being completely the same

Harmony versus UniformIty

... 110 君子易事而难说 The GentIeman Is Easv to Work 112 君子和而不同 Harmony versus UniformIty ...


君子和而不同(xsjhy) 48 白先勇先生有一长文《养虎遗患——父亲的憾恨》,在台湾《当代》杂志独家连载,记述其父白崇禧将 …
