
  • 网络Book of Later Han; Book of the Later Han; History of the Latter Han



Book of Later Han

后汉书》(Book of Later Han)是一部记载东汉历史的纪传体史书,与《史记》、《汉书》、《三国志》合称“四史”。书中分 …

Book of the Later Han

... 《大方便佛报恩经》 Da Fang Bian Fo Bao’en Sūtra 《后汉书Book of the Later Han 《菩萨受斋经》 Pusa Shou Zhai Sūtr…

History of the Latter Han

Hou Han shu 后汉书 (History of the Latter Han). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju.  Fang Xuanling 房玄龄 et al. 1974.

History of the Later Han Dynasty

百度词典搜索_后 ... 后汉[ the Eastern Han Dynasty] 后汉书[ History of the Later Han Dynasty] 后话[ a later story] ...

Empress man book.

启蒙宝典:振... ... 陈涉世家》 Chen deals with others a house 》 ———《后汉书。 -《Empress man book. 陈蕃传》 Chen Fan …

History of Eastern Han

Hou4 | Chinese Dictionary ... 后母 stepmother 后汉书 History of Eastern Han ...

Chronicles of the Later Han

...dhism in the Hou Han shu 后汉书 (Chronicles of the Later Han).


...语词演变过程为:《史记》匈奴语(kutuku)→《后汉书》(kuduhu)→《蒙古秘史》(kuduga)→现代蒙古语(kutug), …
