
  • 网络Noun-predicate sentence; Sentences with a Nominal Predicate; Sentence with a nominal predicate



Noun-predicate sentence

谓语性名词,predicate... ... ) noun predicate 名词谓语 ) Noun-predicate sentence 名词谓语句 ) predicating word 谓语性词 ...

Sentences with a Nominal Predicate

Chinese Notes... ... 形容词谓语句 Sentences with an Adjectival Predicate 名词谓语句 Sentences with a Nominal Predicate ...

Sentence with a nominal predicate

Reference:40 Lessons for Basic... ... 名词谓语句 Sentence with a nominal predicate 介词结构 The prepositional phrase ...

sentences with a noun predicate

汉语病句辨析... ... (1)名词谓语句 sentences with a noun predicate (2)形容词谓语句 sentences with an adjectival predicat…

Sentences with a nominal predicte

新实用汉语课本课本-9787561919354-刘珣... ... 3.名词谓语句 Sentences with a nominal predicte 六、汉字 Chinese Character…
