
  • 网络originals of the contract; orginal of the contract; the original of contract



originals of the contract

法律英语词汇锦集_法律博客 ... 合同有效期 contract life 合同正本 originals of the contract 合伙人: partners ...

orginal of the contract

商务英语 (5)_小喵_新浪博客 ... ordinay loss 普通损失 orginal of the contract 合同正本 outdoor group 户外活动团体 ...

the original of contract

2010年09月18日 -... ... 重申主要条款 to restate the main points 合同正本 the original of contract 副本 duplicate ...

original of a contract

查询正本 在中国最大翻译语料库... ... 公文正本 officecopy 合同正本 original of a contract 全套正本 full set of originals ...
