
  • na.be unable to get sth. to eat
  • 网络have nothing to eat; unable to get anything to eat; to miss a meal



have nothing to eat

Character -... ... 祖上[ ancestors;forefather;forebears] 吃不上[ have nothing to eat] 吃得上[ can afford to eat] ...

unable to get anything to eat

哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出 in... ... 吃不来 not be fond of certain food 吃不上 unable to get anything to eat;to miss a meal ...

to miss a meal

哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出 in... ... 吃不来 not be fond of certain food 吃不上 unable to get anything to eat;to miss a meal ...

be unable to get something to eat

cedic05... ... 吃不来 吃不来/ not be fond of certain food/ 吃不上 吃不上/ be unable to get something to eat/miss a meal/ ...

